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Fairview Farms Inc.
2025 Annual Flowers Update:
We will be open daily from 8:00 to 3:00, starting on April 28th, 2025

Gerbera daisies are so perfect they hardly look real. They bloom in nearly every color (except true blues and purples) and produce fantastically large flowers on long, thick, sturdy stems. They last for a week or more in the vase, making them a favorite of flower arrangers. Care: It does well in average soil; it likes soil kept evenly moist but not overly wet. Fertilize lightly.

The flowers form on branching, fleshy stems or open in solitary splendor on the bedding-plant types in mid- to late summer. Care: Expert dahlia growers recommend pinching off the first crop of side flower buds to encourage vigorous plant branching and larger flowers in peak season.

Dahlia 'Arabian Night' offers deep maroon, almost black, blooms that open several to a stem and grows 3 feet tall.

The portulaca oleracea is an annual succulent that thrives in full sun and should be kept in evenly moist soil.

Geraniums have been a gardener's favorite for well over a century. The old-fashioned standard for beds, borders, and containers, geranium is still one of the most popular plants today. Care: Traditional bedding types love hot weather and hold up well to dry conditions; many offer colorful foliage.

Geraniums have been a gardener's favorite for well over a century. The old-fashioned standard for beds, borders, and containers, geranium is still one of the most popular plants today. Care: Traditional bedding types love hot weather and hold up well to dry conditions; many offer colorful foliage.

Geraniums have been a gardener's favorite for well over a century. The old-fashioned standard for beds, borders, and containers, geranium is still one of the most popular plants today. Care: Traditional bedding types love hot weather and hold up well to dry conditions; many offer colorful foliage.

Geraniums have been a gardener's favorite for well over a century. The old-fashioned standard for beds, borders, and containers, geranium is still one of the most popular plants today. Care: Traditional bedding types love hot weather and hold up well to dry conditions; many offer colorful foliage.

Petunias are vigorous growers and prolific bloomers from midspring through late fall. Color choices are nearly limitless, with some sporting beautiful veining and intriguing colors. Care: All petunias do best and grow more bushy and full if you pinch or cut them back by one- to two-thirds in midsummer.

Petunias are vigorous growers and prolific bloomers from midspring through late fall. Color choices are nearly limitless, with some sporting beautiful veining and intriguing colors. Care: All petunias do best and grow more bushy and full if you pinch or cut them back by one- to two-thirds in midsummer.

Bountiful petite flowers. Impressive in hanging baskets and attracts hummingbirds. Care: Place in sun or part sun. Keep soil moderately moist, not wet. Generally hardy to 32 degrees. Blooms spring to fall.

Bountiful petite flowers. Impressive in hanging baskets and attracts hummingbirds. Care: Place in sun or part sun. Keep soil moderately moist, not wet. Generally hardy to 32 degrees. Blooms spring to fall.

Exotic fuchsia is a fascinating flower, with lovely hanging lanternlike flowers in magentas, pinks, purples, and whites. Care: Fuchsias are actually tender perennials grown as annuals outside tropical regions. Plant them outside in spring after all danger of frost has passed. They need rich, well-drained soil and ample moisture. They do best in areas with cool summers; they don't like heat, humidity, or drought.

French marigolds tend to be frilly and some boast a distinctive "crested eye." They grow roughly 8-12 inches high with a chic, neat, little growth habit and elegant dark green foliage. Care: They do best in full sun with moist, well-drained soil and will flower all summer long. They may reseed, coming back year after year, in spots where they're happy.

Verbena is a spreading plant ideal for cascading over retaining walls, pots, baskets, and window boxes. Care: As long as the soil is extremely well drained, verbena will reward gardeners with countless clusters of small blooms all season.

Verbena is a spreading plant ideal for cascading over retaining walls, pots, baskets, and window boxes. Care: As long as the soil is extremely well drained, verbena will reward gardeners with countless clusters of small blooms all season.

Verbena is a spreading plant ideal for cascading over retaining walls, pots, baskets, and window boxes. Care: As long as the soil is extremely well drained, verbena will reward gardeners with countless clusters of small blooms all season.

Talk about foolproof: Annual begonia is about as easy as it gets. It does well in a variety of conditions, but to keep it at its best, give it light shade; rich, well-drained soil; and ample water. It also loves plenty of fertilizer, so be generous. Care: Plant annual begonias in spring after all danger of frost has passed. No need to deadhead this flower unless you want to, it's "self-cleaning!"

Talk about foolproof: Annual begonia is about as easy as it gets. It does well in a variety of conditions, but to keep it at its best, give it light shade; rich, well-drained soil; and ample water. It also loves plenty of fertilizer, so be generous. Care: Plant annual begonias in spring after all danger of frost has passed. No need to deadhead this flower unless you want to, it's "self-cleaning!"

If you have a hot, baked spot, lantana is your answer. Care: This hardworking plant not only thrives with little moisture and in full, unyielding sun, it does so with ease. In fact, lantana is a flower that seems to have it all: It produces an abundance of brightly colored flowers all summer and fall, and it's a magnet for butterflies (hummingbirds like it, too).

If you have a hot, baked spot, lantana is your answer. Care: This hardworking plant not only thrives with little moisture and in full, unyielding sun, it does so with ease. In fact, lantana is a flower that seems to have it all: It produces an abundance of brightly colored flowers all summer and fall, and it's a magnet for butterflies (hummingbirds like it, too).

The foliage is often brilliantly, exotically colorful. These tropical plants really shine in containers, where they thrive in the perfect soil and drainage, but they also do well in the ground as long as you take the time to improve the soil and work in plenty of compost. Note that they're a bit more sun-tolerant than common impatiens. Care: Plant established plants in spring after all danger of frost has passed. Keep soil moist and fertilize lightly but regularly.

The foliage is often brilliantly, exotically colorful. These tropical plants really shine in containers, where they thrive in the perfect soil and drainage, but they also do well in the ground as long as you take the time to improve the soil and work in plenty of compost. Note that they're a bit more sun-tolerant than common impatiens. Care: Plant established plants in spring after all danger of frost has passed. Keep soil moist and fertilize lightly but regularly.

Care: Beautiful non-stop begonias are among the most elegant of shade-loving plants. These tender bulbs prefer humid, cool-summer climates. In these regions, their intense colors brighten shady gardens as no other plant can. Their big, bold blooms may be single or double as plants produce separate male and female flowers. The larger flowers on the plant are male and can reach 6 inches across.

This plant has long, cascading stems that smother themselves in tiny, perfect, five-petal flowers. It's become a favorite for selling in hanging baskets where its pretty trailing habit can be shown off. Also try in pots, planters, and window boxes. Care: Unlike many plants, bacopa doesn't tend to wilt when it gets dried out. Instead, it loses its flowers and may take two or three weeks to begin blooming again. Keep it evenly watered for continuous bloom.

This plant has long, cascading stems that smother themselves in tiny, perfect, five-petal flowers. It's become a favorite for selling in hanging baskets where its pretty trailing habit can be shown off. Also try in pots, planters, and window boxes.

Fairview Farms 12" combo basket